m2c microscopy measurement & calibration
Using a 4-quadrant backscatter electron (4Q BSE) detector, generating 3D data with microShape is quick and simple: it only takes a few seconds to create and visualize the topography of your samples. Enhance the capabilities of your SEM with microShape and make use of the following advantages:
- 3D visualization of sample surface (topography)
- profile views
- 3D coordinates and height differences
- calculate spatial distances and angles
In order to obtain quantitative 3D data, a calibration of your SEM and your 4Q BSE detector is required. We recommend our 3D calibration structures and our calibration software microCal. m2c calibration structures are specifically developed for SEM 3D calibration due to their spatially distributed nanomarker for scale calibration and their micro-hemisphere for detector calibration. m2c Software algorithms automatically compare the measured nanomarker coordinates to the specific reference coordinates of your 3D calibration structure and calculate scale factors in all spatial directions. These calibration factors can the be used to correct further measurements.
m2c microShape calculates 3D surface models of the sample using four images of the 4Q BSE detector and photometric image processing algorithms (shape-from-shading). With microShape, it is also possible to:
- measure profiles, heights, 3D coordinates, spatial distances and angles
- perform geometric operations on your 3D data: defined cropping, change spatial orientation and resolution
- correct your 3D data: adjust scale and shear in all spatial directions
- export your data for further analysis with other software packages
- configure different 4Q BSE detectors (detector geometry and specifications have to be provided by the manufacturer)